Schools Executives of Maine Department Of Economic A:
PRINCIPAL, PATRICIA DERGEN Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : Lobster blood is clear fluid. When cooked, it turns into a gel like substance. It’s near tasteless and safe to eat.
Lobsters have been known to amputate their legs and claws to escape danger. Sometimes they will drop a claw for no apparent reason at all. However, they can also regenerate their antennae - claws and even their legs.
The female can only mate after she molts. Which is basically shedding her shell. She will give off a pheromone to initiate mating. Usually with the largest male she can find within a certain distance.
Females stay pregnant for a round 20 long months. Even then, only around 10 of 10, 000 eggs will survive beyond the first month.
Lobsters shed their shells up to 25 times before they are of legal size for consumption. After each molt lobsters will hide until its shell hardens - taking about 8 weeks.
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Established in: 2017
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